Lost my entire comment

Deleted user April 3, 2020

I'm livid and dumbfounded.  I had just finished a comment to be posted to our Jira server, but I pressed some button (back maybe?) and I got a very helpful message saying something to the effect that I'm going to lose my changes.  I thought, "Whew!  That was close." and pressed the Cancel button.  What happened next almost killed me. The ticket disappeared and ALL MY WORK DISAPPEARED!!  Turned out, I was logged out of the system, thought this wasn't immediately evident as all I saw was the top Jira bar.  Opening up another Jira window asked for my credentials, so that is how I know I was logged out.

How many other customers have done this?  I can't be alone in this.  I have had this happen before, but it was minor in comparison, and it was me just clicking on the Add button.

Please, please, PLEASE!! I implore you, please!! Fix the system so that posts are not lost when reauthentication is required.  I spent hours, starting yesterday, writing up information to share with my team regarding the ticket and now I'm back at square one, having to remember everything that I wrote.

4 answers

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Jose Manuel Gutierrez
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July 30, 2023

Lo mío ha sido peor, tenía tarjetas en Trello con comentarios en los que recogía por ejemplo los tiempos de las actividades durante meses y un día fui a mirar y habían desaparecido todos los comentarios, meses de trabajo perdidos, y por mucho que me queje no va a haber manera de recuperar eso. Ahora que hago, sigo confiando en Trello o me voy? Que les recomiendo a mis amigos? Porque la seguridad de los datos es crucial, si voy a guardar contenidos y van a desaparecer aleatoriamente en cualquier momento... para que los guardo?, o se supone que esta es una aplicación solo para guardar datos sin importancia que puedas perder y durante un breve periodo de tiempo? Es para niños pequeños? Hombre eso puede pasar en una versión beta pero esto dejó de ser beta hace mucho, ¿todavía se están depurando ese tipo de fallos? No se ideó un sistema que asegurara los datos ante pérdidas todavía? Cómo se justifica? O es que la seguridad básica es solo si pagas la versión premium? Es que la cabeza no me da para entender cómo puede pasar estas cosas.

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Mike McCormick November 16, 2022

Fairly sure this only happens when you're in edit mode

Not sure how to consistently repro yet

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Jonathan Holden
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July 10, 2020

OK, clearly  losing work is common enough in Confluence for me not to bother getting started. I've lost pages, no idea why, was definitely logged in. 


No easy way to contact Atlassian - what's the point?

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Zach Leber May 19, 2020

That happened to me monthly for the last 10 years whenever I was logged out of Jira without realizing it. Every time I saw the warning I knew to copy the text of the comment to the clipboard, login, and paste it into a new comment.

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