LDAP for service desk project A and public sign up for service desk project B

Brian Kelly March 25, 2018

Setting: University


Project A would be an IT Service Desk project that supports all active students and staff at a university. Authentication is configured with delegated LDAP authentication.

Project B is would be used as a customer service portal to respond and track questions for potential applicants.


Is it possible to have delegated LDAP authentication for Project A and public sign up available for Project B. It looks like public signup is controlled globally at the application level but once enabled the project administrator can enable or disable public sign up.

In my scenario the project administrator would disable public sign up on Project A and enable public sign up on Project B. 


Assuming the above is correct how would one filter LDAP customer accounts from the public sign up accounts in the users management interface? There doesn't appear to be a way to filter based on project.


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Atlassian Team
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April 19, 2018

Hi Brian,

You can configure Jira to use and prioritise user directories for signup as shown here. You can set the Internal Directory to have priority over LDAP. Although you cannot set this specifically per project, you can change who can raise requests in project settings under Customer permissions. If this is set to public, the Internal Directory will be used for login for that Service Desk portal rather than LDAP. 

However keep in mind Service Desk and Jira public signup work independently.


Thank you,
The Jira Service Desk Team

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