Jira ServiceDesk + Confluence for business transitioning to MSP?

Nestor Diaz
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March 22, 2018


My company (a small company in Puerto Rico with 5 technicians) is currently in the process of transitioning from a traditional VAR and break-fix support model to an MSP model. Our support offerings are a bit different than others, since we have customers on both models. This has made the task of finding a good service desk application quite daunting.

Our Support Offerings

We offer support on two models. Our break/fix customers pre-purchase service hours in packs. These packs expire when all hours are consumed or one year after purchase, whatever happens first. If these customers go over their hours, or their pack expires, they have to purchase another pack before service continues. We strongly try to avoid overages with these customers.

On the other hand, our MSP customers have a fixed set of services and hours they can consume every month for a flat fee. Anything out of the scope of these hours/services is billed separately. Overages are no big deal with these customers, as they can simply be included in their monthly billing.

What we're looking for

We'd like to be able to represent our customers' allowed services and hours in our service desk app. We know Jira does time tracking, but we're wondering if through some add-ins we'd be able to automatically deduct the time spent on tickets from a customer's hour pack/monthly allotment. For break/fix customers, this is as simple as deducting the time spent on tickets from the allotment. For MSP customers, there also needs to be a check regarding what the customer is requesting. Services covered in the MSP agreement for a particular customer are charged against their allotment. For services not covered, hours should be billed separately (though an acceptable workaround would be to simply restrict MSP customers from creating requests for services not covered in their agreement).

We'd like to be able to choose which customers can/cannot have tickets created even when they're over their allotment. Also, we'd like to be able to automate reports or notifications as follows:

  • Notify user and customers when a break/fix customer is close to pack expiration (either due to consumption or passing of time)
  • Automate monthly billing reports for MSP customers

Other features, like a knowledgebase, issue routing automation, CMDB, ERP integrations, CRM integrations, etc. are all "would be nice", but not crucial

What we've looked at

We've looked at simple help desk solutions, like Freshdesk. They usually can't handle our support offerings for break/fix customers. We've looked at more robust solutions, like Solarwinds MSP Manager. Once again, the solution couldn't handle our offerings for break/fix customers. We looked at ManageEngine, which actually does meet all our requirements. However, it only does so in their Enterprise edition, which (with implementation fees) skyrockets to some $10k in initial fees and $5k in subsequent annual subscriptions. We're trying to find anything that might be anywhere below that price region, but we do understand we have some unconventional and kind of complex needs.

We had a look a Jira, but a lot of functionality is provided by add-ons, and we're a bit overwhelmed with where to look for answers. Is the scenario outlined above possible in Jira with add-ons? Does Atlassian offer some kind of sales support? Are there Atlassian partners that can help with implementation and sales questions? Has anyone here had any experience with similar scenarios?


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carolyn french
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March 29, 2018

Hi Nestor, and welcome to community!

Atlassian has partners that can help you with implementation and sales questions- here's a list. No real Atlassian Sales team, but the partners can help you with your requirements and cost (and community of course!).

As far as price, Jira Service Desk is priced super competitively on the market, and doesn't charge licenses for the customers, only the agents. It's transparent, meaning you can check out what yours would cost here.

I would suggest that you look into one of the most popular add-ons for Jira, which is Tempo. They have Tempo Timesheets and Budgets, where you can set up a client account, link it to a project, put in a budget goal (can be monthly or custom) and then when your staff logs time against it, it will go against that account. I don't think there's anything out of the box to send notifications to the client when it's running out, but that's what Partners can help with. You could keep tabs on the time used against their packages through gadgets on the dashboard.

You can separate out into categories different types of billing- those that go against their package vs billed separately. That shouldn't be a problem.

Tempo is nice for having all your billing reports easy to get to. They have partners too.

Hope this helps you on your search!


Nestor Diaz
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 29, 2018

Hi Caroline. Thanks for the feedback! It's incredibly helpful I've already contacted some partners and we should get some conversations going in the coming days. Hopefully, Jira will be a good fit. Again, thanks!

carolyn french
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March 29, 2018

You're very welcome and good luck!

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