Jira Service Desk - block adding new metric

Sebastian Krzewinski January 12, 2014


Is there any option to block adding new metric in project?

We have defined some metrics and we want to use them in few projects but we don't want that project administrators add new metrics.



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ɹǝʞɐq pɐɹq
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 20, 2014

We dont have this facility and at this stage will not be looking to add it.

Service Desk is using a new "more open" design philosphy that the traditional JIRA "admin" model where we allow project adminstrators to assume more responsbility.

Both the JIRA Service Desk and JIRA teams are getting increasing feedback that people want more delegated adminstration not less.

Brad Baker
JIRA Service Desk Architect

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