Jira Service Desk and Jira Software automation

Stefan Prelle December 17, 2017

For a very small team without dedicated Service Desk agents, I'd like to automatically have issues appear in Jira Software, whenever a customer creates a Service Desk issue. I am aware that this can be done by manually creating a JSW issue and link the JSD issue with it.

Is there a way to optimise this in a way that this happens automatically? I checked the automation rules in JSD, but there doesn't seem to be a way to create issues in JSW from here - or I am to stupid to find it.

Can this be done or am I stuck with manually creating issues in JSW?


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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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December 18, 2017

Hi Stefan,

There are some plugins (jira scriptrunner, jira workflow toolbox) that have post functions where you can automatically create an issue in another project.

Hope that helps


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