JIRA displaying incorrect date and time

huangbe August 11, 2014

Hi all,

I don't know what happened, but just today within our JIRA, we cannot see Dates being displayed properly.

Instead of displaying a date and time, it shows "an hourcommon.date.relative.time.hour agocommon.date.relative.time.past"

Anyone experienced this?

3 answers

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huangbe August 12, 2014

Anyone? Anyone that have any idea about this?

After overnight, I notice that when date/time is displaying actual date and time, it shows up fine.
Eg: If JIRA issue has been created more than 2 days ago, it shows the date and time fine.

However, if date/time is showing today or yesterday, that's when it shows up those unwanted words

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huangbe August 11, 2014

Saw some changes.

It is displaying date and time now, but it also has some cr*p afterwards.

I'm inspected element on the date field to see the html. The bold text are what we don't want to see.

<time class="livestamp" datetime="2014-08-11T16:56+1000">⚡Yesterday 4:56 PMco56on.1PMt2.r2Mon 4:56 PMPMtiv2.1PMy.Mon 4:56 PMPM0t⁠</time>

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huangbe August 11, 2014

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