JIRA Service Desk No Longer Showing All Issue Types

Jonathan George August 28, 2017

We've been using JIRA Service Desk for a little over 6 months now, and so far the experience has been great. However, just last week my staff no longer have the ability to open requests for all the request types we have. For example, here is the settings for request types:


But here is what the customer portal looks like:


I'm not sure what changed. Any help would be appreciated.

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Jonathan George August 28, 2017

I appreciate everyones help in this, I went poking through the settings for a few hours, and finally found what I thought might be the probelm. If you go to Settings > Issues > Issue Type Schemes, there is a scheme for each service desk you have. Some how, mine got disassociated from the service desk so none of the issues were showing up except for the badge request (which is a seperate custom issue type I made) since it is assigned to Global - all unconfigured projects. Fixing the association fixed the helpdesk in my case.

Jack Brickey
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August 28, 2017

aha! that would do it. I will accept this as the answer.

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Jack Brickey
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August 28, 2017

@Jonathan George, certainly an odd one and haven't seen this before. Server or Cloud? I am thinking server given the pics you embedded. So if you click on the "Help Center" top left I assume that results in the image 2 view?

Jonathan George August 28, 2017

It actually takes me to the root of the help center, you know if we had more than one service desk. And yes, its server.


Jack Brickey
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August 28, 2017

and "IT Service Desk" takes you to the two requests? The first image would suggest that the other requests are not hidden (edit groups show (2)) so don't think that is the issue. Not sure what to suggest here (i'm on cloud). It might be interesting to see if you add a new issue type if it shows up. Also, did you access the portal URL from the project itself or a bookmark? Just spit-balling here....


Unless someone else with server experience has ideas I recommend opening support case.

Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 28, 2017

Service desk does have a user memory and will default to show what you most recently worked with.  

Although also wondering if it thinks "badge" was in the search criteria or was before?

But I'm with Jack, go up to the top and select the service desk and see if all the request types appear again

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