JIRA Service Desk Customers without an account

Filipe Bassetto
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March 30, 2018



In my case I have 500 possible users who just fill out their task and follow their progress.
I do not know how I can create a page so these users can access without needing a Jira user, and if this is possible.


Thanks for help me!

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carolyn french
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April 4, 2018

Hi Filipe, and welcome to Community!

If you already have Jira Service Desk, you can add customers and direct them to a Customer Portal for them to fill out their requests and follow the progress. Customers don't need to be a Jira user (or consume a license). They are dealt with separately. You can either add Customers or also allow anyone to send requests.

If you are in the Service Desk project in Jira, you can find the URL for the Customer Portal by clicking on "Customer Channels" in the sidebar menu.


Hope this helps!


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