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Issue doesn't reopen after transition.

Stephan Mallmann February 7, 2018

Hi folks,

Start situation:

1. A issue has been closed with a resolution resolved.
2. The customer has a transition at customer-portal to reopen the ticket.
3. After using the transition the status of the issue is "reopen" and the resolution is "not enough"

My Problem:

The issue is already in a status resolved at customer and agent portal.
So the issue is not visible in "open issues" it is still in "closed issues"

Can anybody help me with this problem?

Best regards,


1 answer

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Nigel Rochford
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
February 7, 2018

You need to clear the resolution - otherwise Jira and JSD will consider the ticket as 'done.

Resolution means that the issue is officially closed. It should be used to explain why an issue is closed - e.g. fixed, won't fix, duplicate etc.

Stephan Mallmann February 7, 2018


thank you for the response.

Can you tell me how to do that? Actual i set the resolution to "not enought" with an api call

servicedesk.customer.transition.resolution : 10101

There is not database entry so set it to "Unresolved"


Best regards,


Stephan Mallmann February 7, 2018

Sorry! I Have it.

Post Function is the Keyword :-)

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