Is it possible to have the Issue Collector in Jira pull more than the URL/screen res/browser?

Brianna Barnes
November 21, 2017

I'm looking to find out if it's possible to custom code something that can be added to search for specific pieces of information, based on where the user is at in the page. I know the Issue Collector can grab the URL and browser information, but is there a way to add more functionality to this that would give us even more specific information?


We use the Jira SD/Cloud

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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November 21, 2017

It is indeed possible to Customize the issue collector 'in a number of different ways', e.g.:

  • Set up a custom trigger, so the feedback form launches from a different link or button than the packaged triggers provided.
  • Set the default values of fields for your users, using JavaScript.  
  • Specify the values of fields on the issue, which are not shown in the feedback form.

We have used this to inject entirely unrelated information into those hidden fields referenced in the Setting field values from JavaScript section and return them to Jira in turn, for example host product version info and the like.

Accordingly, it is more or less up to your business logic to collect the desired info and pass them back via JavaScript through the collector's fields.

Brianna Barnes
November 27, 2017

We are looking to have it pull specific pieces about where they are, to help us not have to have an abundance of questions. Myself, I'm not a developer, so I wanted to ask: Do you have any resources I can reference? Or where I should start in order to make this happen? Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
Community Leader
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November 28, 2017

I'm not aware of any other code examples outside of those within Customize the issue collector, sorry @Brianna Barnes - that being said, I'd highly recommend to ask a frontend developer from your team for half a day of her/his time, anyone moderately familiar with JavaScript should be able to quickly understand and modify/amend that code to suit your needs.

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