Hi. I'm trying to use link to help with some basic formatting:
https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererH elpAction.jspa?section=tables
I'm successfully able to italics and bold (yellow highlights in the attached pic) however I'm not able to format the table properly (blue ring). This is the script that I used:
Please attach the *ICN B2B Tunnel request form* that was used to establish the initial connection to this partner if available. If not, then download one from\\ _[this location| http://wiki.ABCDEFG.xlsx]_ and complete with as much detail as possible. Upload it to the *Attachment* field provided below before submitting. \\ \\ *NOTE-* All requests require NWA codes in order for your request to be completed. Please update the Description field below with NWA codes associated to each each of the following Work Centres.\\ \\||Group Name||Work Centre||NWA Code||
|ICNL3|C31655BP|_Add code_|
|ICNL3 CP3|C31655PM|_Add code_|
|ICNIPAM|C31655BA|_Add code_|
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Copied the exact formatting that is used in the Atlassian link shown above. Thanks.
Ultimately I'd like the bottom table to look similar to this
Group Name | Work Centre | NWA Code |
ICNL3 | C31655BP | Add code |
ICNL3 CP3 | C31655PM | Add code |
ICNIPAM | C31655BA | Add code |