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Import customers to Service Desk and auto reply to non existing customers

Matevž Grbec
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May 31, 2015

I have 2 questions about Jira Service Desk:

  • We have a lot of existing customers with their emails in another system. We have a web page where new customers can register and provide their email address. Now we would like to automatically create new Service Desk customer every time new customer register on our web page. What are possibilities?
  • We have configured JIRA Service Desk to allow only registered customers to create tickets (public sign up is disabled). The problem is that whenever someone sends email to our support email and customer with this email doesn't exist, nothing happens. We would like to notify such senders with some auto reply that his email wasn't recognized and that he needs to register on our web page. Is this possible?


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Charlie Misonne
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June 23, 2016

please vote for this feature request

0 votes
Paul Bijlsma April 10, 2016

I also have a requirement for "auto reply to non existing customers"

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