I would like updated tickets in Jira TSD te become bold when a user updates them

Paul van Oosten August 9, 2017

Hi Guys,

I have a inconvenient problem. When I have a bigger list with open issues, I would like to be able to see if a customer updates one of those tickets so I don't have to open them all to see If they made the last update or I did.
I would like to propose a feature like the ones being used in mail applications. Where a new and unread mail is bold. Is this already possible or otherwise possible to implement in a new version of Jira ServiceDesk. This would give a much better overview on which ticket needs work.

3 answers

1 vote
Jack Brickey
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August 10, 2017

@Paul van Oosten,

So i was pondering this topic some more and looking back at the original question and your analogy to how mail systems so unread and thought I would take another shot at answering.

I don't think you are going to have any luck w/ the 'bold formatting' idea as a solution w/ Atlassian but I may be wrong here. The question is, in what views would they enable bold? I assume filtered lists, queues, etc. In any event I predict that will be a deadend or at least a Suggestion that will gather dust. 

However, lets try to come up with a solution to the following user story...

As an Agent I want to be able to be able to quickly locate all Recently Updated by Customer issues and be able to acknowledge that I have reviewed the update. Once I acknowledge them I want them to disappear from the 'Recently Updated by Customer" list.

Assuming the above would work for you this could be achieved today.

I'm thinking that you could do the following:

  1. create a workflow status called New Customer Comment that could transition from all other statuses
  2. using Automation create a new rule: Comment Added - User is a Customer - Transition issue New Customer Comment
  3. construct a queue called  Recent Customer Update.

You can then use the queue to review the updates and transition them to whatever state, e.g. Waiting Support. By doing so they disappear for the queue.


Joshua Keele October 7, 2020

Is this still the best way to accomplish this today?

Jack Brickey
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October 7, 2020

i don't know about "best" but it is a way. There are variations of this I could come up with but all would involve Automation and somehow "flagging" the issues e.g. you could easily find them.

Joshua Keele October 9, 2020

so I am playing around with automation. It works, but I don't want the rule to run when an agent comments. How would I structure that condition?

Joshua Keele October 9, 2020

I figured it out. Disregard

Joshua Keele October 29, 2020

Now my issue is the limitation of 500 per month. We exceeded that in a couple weeks. This seems insane to me. Are you aware of an app that can do automation rules like this?

1 vote
Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 9, 2017


When you say list of "open" issues, are they all in the same status?   What you could do is have a couple of different workflow steps/statuses. Use the automation to move the issue to the right status depending on who did the last comment.


Paul van Oosten August 9, 2017

Hi Susan, No they can have a different status like: "Waiting for Customer", "Waiting for Support", "In Progress", "Waiting for approval", "Approved" and other statuses. Ofcourse they are already assigned to me.

Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 9, 2017

THere is a custom field "last updated by" that can go into the issue navigator.  But you need plugin jira toolkit.


Paul van Oosten August 10, 2017

@Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_ We do have that plugin. But the problem is then I have to remember the time I made a comment myself in the ticket, and that for every ticket, only then I know when a customer made a comment in that ticket. It is though the way I'm doing it right now, but it is not ideal.

0 votes
Jack Brickey
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August 9, 2017

@Paul van Oosten, why not construct your JQLs to order by last updated date?

Paul van Oosten August 9, 2017

Because when you heve multiple updates in several tickets, it's not very clear anymore which tickets have been updated. Not when you have 40 to 50 tickets assigned on your name. Also I want them ordered by time before SLA is breached.

Jack Brickey
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August 9, 2017

Got it. Would be a nice to have feature. May want to search/open suggestion w/ Atlassian.

Paul van Oosten August 10, 2017

I have searched, but was not able to find a suggestion like this, created by someone else. Could you tell me how to create a suggestion so others could make a vote?

Jack Brickey
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August 10, 2017

When i suggested searching for an open issue I was referring to Atlassian's project tracking site. Here is a link that will take you to the JSDCLOUD project. From there you can get to server if that is what you are using. You can search and create issues there.


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