I cannot find a line on translations.atlassian for translation

Pavol Sočuvka August 22, 2017

I would like to correct english to czech translation for this line: "You are {0} user away from the maximum allowed by your license." on translations.atlassian.com. I search for separate words or words combinations yet I cannot locate it there.


This is important to us, because the actual czech translation has quite different meaning (it says "you are over the limit" instead of  "you are this far from limit").


Thank you in advance for any help.

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Pavol Sočuvka August 22, 2017
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 24, 2017

Hi Pavol,

Can you please vote on the issue and add line you're looking for in the comments so the devs will know where to focus?  Voting on the issue will also serve to notify you when the ticket  is updated.



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