I can't display the support page

Stanisław Zieliński October 16, 2023

I have a very strange error when trying to access support page made in altassian technology. I cleared cookies, did flushdns, reinstalled the browser. The problem occurs in all browsers, including incognito mode. I tested with the firewall and antivirus disabled. No VPN.
Does anyone know what this JSON response from the Jira Service Menagment server might mean?
I'm confused.
The page should appear, but instead I get this:


"{"xsrfToken":"BVTW-3OL3-D2QB-XNXJ_a4e74d1a9d7c83a8c330038bad1be9fd3869604e_lout","helpCenterBranding":{"headerBGColor":"#167be2","headerLinkColor":"#ffffff","headerLinkHoverColor":"#3572b 0","nagłówekLinkHoverBGColor" :"#ffffff","logoUrl":"","helpCenterTitle":"Serwis BPSC","sharedPortalName":"Centrum pomocy"},"login":{"allowCookies":true,"externalUserManagement":false," contactAdminLink":"skontaktuj się z administratorem Jira","elevatedSecurityCheckShown":false",loginUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/user/login","canReset":true,"sdUserSignUpEnabled":false,"loginAnnouncementHeader":"" ,,loginAnnouncementMessage":""},"loginAnnouncement":{"header":"","headerWiki":"","message":"","messageWiki":"","canEditAnnouncement":false,"portalId ":zero}}

{"tourEnabled":false,"wacLink":"https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/service-management?utm_medium=jira-in-product&utm_source=jira_service_desk_portal_footer&utm_campaign=service-desk_portal_server","serviceDeskVersion":" 4.20.14 ”,„ ContextPath ”:„ ”,„ xsrftoken ”:„ BVTW-3OL3-D2QB-XNXJ_A4E74D1A9D7C83A8C330038BAD1BE9FD3869604E_LOUT ”,„ Baseurl ”:„ Https://Jira.bppsc.plom. względnebaseurl ":"/servicedesk/customer","maxAttachmentSize":"41943040","gravatarEnabled":false",rteEnabled":true,"calendarDateData":{"months":["stycznia","lutego","marca" „kwietnia”, „maja”, „czerwca”, „lipca”, „sierpnia”, „września”, „października”, „listopada”, „grudnia”], „monthsShort”: [„sty”, „lut” ,,mar","kwi","maj","cze","lip","sie","wrz","paź","lis","gru"]"weekdaysShort":["N" ,,Pn","Wt","Śr","Cz","Pt","So"],"dni powszednie":["niedziela","poniedziałek","wtorek","środa","czwartek" „piątek”, „sobota”]}}"

2 answers

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 17, 2023

@Stanisław Zieliński Do you have any anti-virus or browser plugins that could be causing the issue?   

Stanisław Zieliński October 18, 2023

@Brant Schroeder no, I don't have any plugins. I also tested with the antivirus and firewall disabled

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 18, 2023

@Stanisław Zieliński What browser are you using?  Can you share a screenshot?

Stanisław Zieliński October 20, 2023

Zrzut ekranu 2023-10-13 1103332 (1).jpgGoogle Chrome, updated

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 20, 2023

@Stanisław Zieliński I am not sure why this would occur.  It have to be some sort of plugin or app that you have on that computer.  Are you sure that there is not any browser plugins installed?

0 votes
Stanisław Zieliński October 16, 2023

I would like to add that the problem does not occur on other computers.

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