How to share the SD ticket automatically within the SD organisations on the basis of conditions?

Vineet Kumar
December 6, 2017

Hi Everyone, Can some please answer this?

How can in Jira Service Desk, According to the selected option of a custom field the ticket should automatically share within Service desk organizations at the time of creation. 

e.g. At the time of creating an issue from the service desk portal, If someone selects option 'ABC' on the select list field 'Customer' then the ticket should automatically share with Organization A and Organization B but if i select Option B then the ticket should automatically shares with Org C and Org D. Can it be done by script runner?


Thanks In Advance

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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June 11, 2023

Hi @Vineet Kumar ,

you could do that through a scripted postfunction at workflow level or through an Automation.


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