How to see in Jira Service Desk all issues where Channel = Portal

Olivier Albertini
January 7, 2015

How to see in Jira Service Desk all issues where Channel = Portal ?

Because It's can be a good KPI for us ... 

Channel = Email

Channel = Portal

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January 7, 2015

We're working on that feature and it will be released soon. You'll be able to search using something like this[""].value = "email"

Olivier Albertini
January 8, 2015

Can you provide the issue ? thx for your answer !

Mathias Edblom
February 5, 2015

When are Atlassian going to release this? And also a way to search for the "request.type"! I'm amassed that this is not in the product yet, cause it's probably the first thing you ask for as a customer, when talking about KPI.

Davide Paleari
May 7, 2015

Hi Kha, is there an improvement issue I can vote? I'm also really interested in this feature. Thanks

Bill Tanner August 31, 2015

FYI,[""].value = "email" works for me now in version 2.5.2. Not sure when it was introduced.

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