How to customize content of Main Service Desk Page?

Andrzej Warycha
October 6, 2014

Hi All,

Do You know how to customize content of Main Service Desk Pages - Login page and Home page (servicedesk/customer/portals)? Because I couldn't find it anywhere.

Especially I'm talking about header where is logo, title (currently is JIRA Service Desk), "Help Center" message and so on.

Best regards,


I've noticed that it is is not possible from Service Desk interface because few issues are already created in this area.

JSD-22 As a JIRA Service Desk customer, I should be able to apply "advanced branding" to my support portal

JSD-892 Allow customisation/branding of Help Center/Service Desk Portals page.

JSD-805 Customize / Translate Help Center page

But maybe You know how to do this in other way.

Thanks for any hints.


1 answer

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Gregorio Luiz Gomez October 6, 2014

I see you have already commented on the issue I created about this.

As far as I know, this isn't yet possible. =/

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