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How to add a specific list of approvers

Joseph Manavalan February 26, 2020

Hi @Angélica Luz  - I followed the steps you listed above but when I test the approval, I get a message below the status button that says "Approvers Needed".  When I click that, it says "Approvers needed to proceed".  No approvers added.  When I click the informational button next to that message, the message I get is that 'only agents can add approvers'.

Seems like it's not recognizing the three individuals I put into the group that I created for approvers.  Do you know what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks in advance.

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 2, 2020

Hello Joseph,

Thank you for reaching out to Community!

The purpose of the tutorial is to add a list of specific approvers, so when the customer searches for the approver, it will show a shortlist and not all the customers and users that have an account on the instance.

As per the details you provided, no approvers were selected at the moment the ticket was created. 

Please, check the steps again and make sure to select someone as an approver when creating the ticket in the customer portal.


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