Goals not saved in SLA

magnlun October 8, 2014

When I try to create a new SLA for our service desk everything seems to work well. BeforeSave.png However when it is saved no goals is saved.


The same problem occurs if I try to edit a goal. Am I missing some required field?

2 answers

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Frédéric Esnault
September 21, 2015

Hi @Lingbo Lu

We are still experiencing the same problem (JIRA 6.4.7 and JSD 2.5.4).

Our JIRA setup is standard, no weird customization.

Are there any update about this ?

The JQL i entered is quite simple and appears valid in form :

priority = Critical

Goal set to 4h

Calendar set to default.


No error in JIRA logs (JIRA logs, Jsd logs, security logs....)

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 9, 2014

Hi there, 

What did you enter in the Goals section? If you are setting up JQL for issues and the results are not saved, it sounds a bit off. You might want to contact our support team to help you sort it out. https://support.atlassian.com/customer/servicedesk-portal#JIRA

Here's an example of my setup:




magnlun October 9, 2014

Hi! There is a case for it: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSD-698 however since none of you have reacted for over two months I thought it must be a problem with the configuration.

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