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Goal statistics - percent of successful issue SLAs

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July 3, 2014

The question is regarding the percentage shown in the SLA metric page.

11% successful this week.

Does this percent includes only issues created on:

  • last 7 days
  • this week (mon-sun)
  • another option?

If so can I have it configurable to show success percentage of SLA for issues created during:

  • last month;
  • all issues?

2 answers

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Dave Marsico March 21, 2016

Hi so I also am interested in if the "SLA Goals" can be configured for different time periods  (2 weeks, month) verses the "Success last 7 days"...  is that possible?   looking at  it did not seem to be addressing that.

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Rodrigo Rosa
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 20, 2015

Hello Aleksandrs,

Currently, this is not possible for JIRA Service Desk, so we created a Feature Request here for it.

Best Regards,

Rodrigo Sogari 

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