Default Service Desk Comments to Internal

Ryan Hoke
October 20, 2014

Atlassian community, we recently implemented JIRA Service Desk 2.0.2, and our team is very nervous about comments defaulting to "Respond to customer" versus "Internal comment".  They're very afraid someone is going to say, "This dummy doesn't know what he's talking about," and actually send that to the customer.  Is there a way to set it so comments default to "Internal comment"?

8 answers

6 votes
Ryan Hoke
February 2, 2015


I had to run a Javascript interval to "look" for the comment tabs, because they don't exist on the page when it first gets loaded.  Below is the code I implemented in the announcement banner.

<script type="text/javascript">
var commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = false;
  var tabs = jQuery("#sd-comment-tabs");
  if (tabs.size() > 0 && !commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing) {
    commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = true;
  else if (tabs.size() == 0) {
    commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = false;
}, 100);
Marco Schauer February 5, 2015

Works well. Thanks for this solution

Raffaele Verre March 5, 2015

Great solution!

Rob Geraedts June 27, 2016

Is this also for JIRA Cloud?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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June 25, 2018

Cloud has had javascript hacks like this disabled.

2 votes
Heiko Gerlach
July 3, 2017

There is a new Add-On available. It is called Doublecheck for JIRA Service Desk and is available at

It is not changing the default behaviour. Instead, for better user experience it simply adds a confirmation dialog whenever a user is about to send a comment to external customers.

  • Adding comment in Edit
  • Adding Comment in Workflow Transition
  • Adding Comment in Issue View
  • Adding Comment in Link Issue View
Adam Sterrie
March 24, 2021

Hi Heiko,
This looks like a good Add-On but way too pricey for us. This is $4,900 for 1,000 users per year. To put into perspective, eazyBI is only $4,000 per year and ScriptRunner is just $3,000 per year. This should cost no more than $800 to be a serious proposition. Someone in your organisation has got their sums badly wrong IMHO. 

Like Drew Kerrigan likes this
March 24, 2021

I also enjoy how their screenshots show the "Comment internally" and "Share with Customer" are swapped - as this entire thread is about. Yet do they address that? No. Let's sell an EXTREMELY overpriced app that offers functionality that is offered already in a far cheaper and more powerful app (i.e. ScriptRunner).

Like Marcin Kubica likes this
Marcin Kubica August 23, 2021


Any hints on how to achieve  Doublecheck functionality with ScriptRunner on Cloud?


August 30, 2021

@Marcin Kubica , I do not. I don't have cloud, so not sure of the restrictions there. Sorry.

1 vote
Rising Star
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June 27, 2016

For JIRA 7, you can use this snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
var commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = false;
  var tabs = jQuery(".sd-comment-buttons");
  if (tabs.size() > 0 && !commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing) {
    commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = true;
    jQuery(".sd-internal-submit").parent("span").insertBefore(".sd-comment-buttons span:first");
  else if (tabs.size() == 0) {
    commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = false;
}, 100);
Jira Admin October 28, 2016

Unfortunately, Atlassian has disabled javascript execution in the announcement banner.

Irtiza Rizvi
May 3, 2017

I've updated the code to work with JSD 3.5 and JIRA 7.3.6, using the same idea as the original.

<script type="text/javascript">
var commentTabsSwapped = false;
  var tabs = jQuery("#sd-comment-tabs");
  if (tabs.size() > 0) {
    commentTabsSwapped = jQuery(".js-sd-internal-comment").prev(".js-sd-external-comment").size() == 0;
    if(!commentTabsSwapped) {
        jQuery(".js-sd-internal-comment").switchClass("inactive", "active");
        jQuery(".js-sd-external-comment").switchClass("active", "inactive");
  else if (tabs.size() == 0) {
    commentTabsSwapped = false;
}, 100);
Christian Pascher
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February 6, 2018

I updated your code to make a switch back possible to an external comment:



<script type="text/javascript">
var initialTabHighlightSwapped = false;
function checkJSDCommentTabs () {
var tabs = jQuery("#sd-comment-tabs");
if (tabs.size() > 0 && !initialTabHighlightSwapped) {
initialTabHighlightSwapped = true;
} else if (tabs.size() == 0) {
initialTabHighlightSwapped = false;

function switchJSDCommentTabHighlight () {

var intervalFunct = setInterval(checkJSDCommentTabs, 1000);
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Jeffrey Bistrong
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June 24, 2018

Hi @Christian Pascher, this script is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks for providing it. however, I am not a developer, where would I put this script?

I am using Service Desk cloud. 




Barbara Pilbin November 28, 2018

I am interested in this work around, if anyone could provide a few more details on how to implement on JIRA Service Desk - Cloud.

Michelle Gaul
April 16, 2019

I am also interested in a solution for JSD Cloud. Has anyone found any solution yet?


Kind regards,


0 votes
Alessandro Lombardo December 2, 2020

To hide "share with customer" button you can add this following script to the announcement banner:

<style type="text/css"> {
display: none;


It will hide the button on the view screen. But you will continue to see "Respond to customer" tab in the edit screen and transitions screens.

This is for Jira Server ( I didn't test for Cloud )

0 votes
April 22, 2020

Improved the script a little. This is working in Jira 8.8.0/JSD 4.8.0

<script type="text/javascript">
var commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = false;
var tabs = jQuery(".sd-comment-buttons");
if (tabs.size() > 0 && !commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing) {
commentTabsAreAlreadyShowing = true;
if(jQuery(".sd-comment-buttons span:first").attr("original-title") === "Press Ctrl+Alt+e to submit this form") {
jQuery(".sd-comment-buttons span:first").insertAfter(".sd-comment-buttons span:nth-child(2)");
jQuery(".sd-internal-submit").css("background-color", "#0052cc");
Johnson Wang August 14, 2020

@NCATS LAB Big caveat, please update your code above so that you have an enclosing </script> at the bottom of it.

I just copied your code and added it into the Announcement Banner as is, and it ended up breaking all JIRA Administration pages.

Appreciate you sharing the script out though!

August 17, 2020

@Johnson Wang  - It is corrected

Like Paul Gryfakis likes this
Adam Sterrie
March 25, 2021


Thanks for sharing the script.

It doesn't seem to work in Jira 8.13.3/JSD 4.13.3. Is there an environment parameter or some other configuration change that re-enables javascript? Or can you write this in CSS? Perhaps you (or anybody else) knows where we can edit the relevant code in the relevant jar file?

March 26, 2021
0 votes
Rob Geraedts February 6, 2018

@Ryan Hoke,


Off topic, but have you ever considered finding out why your support engineers think about your customers the way they do, if they actually write things down like "This dummy doesn't know what he's talking about"?  ;-)

Nicolas Boivin April 12, 2018

Was thinking relatively the same question but, at the same time, in our case the need is more to prevent escalated tickets containing testing notes to be sent to the clients as those usually end up creating a bunch of confused calls to helpdesk.  :D

Jon Marcus
December 16, 2018

The problem is it is not about engineers being rude, and your smug emoticon/comment makes me think you have not really worked in a real service org. The reality is that political discussion and brainstorming take place in a fast paced, high-tech product support organization and since EVERY comment is logged in Service Desk it is just simply irresponsible for Jira to make the absolute determination about who sees what without a simple user control.

While I love Jira as a new user, it clearly shows signs of being stuck in an R&D mental silo, but hopefully that will change.  It's a bit annoying that everything becomes a plug-in.  Makes me wonder if Atlassian has an actual R&D department or they've cash cowed the core already. I mean, how complex is this architecture if they cannot find the time to change a single button default in the main SD application after what seems like a few years of requests???  It is really discouraging.

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David Willson
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January 14, 2019

If you think of Jira as a raw potato you will be less disappointed.  I also was expecting french fries and got a raw potato. Switching your frame of reference makes its much better to work with, the important part is to make sure you have a deep fryer on hand if you want french fries, or a masher salt and butter and cream cheese if you want mashed potatoes.

Davin Stewart January 14, 2019

Don't forget all the extra cash to pay for the deep fryer, oil, salt, butter, and cream cheese.

Like David Willson likes this
Jon Marcus
January 14, 2019

Don't get me wrong, I love Jira!  It has incredible flexibility like raw potato as you say. Its just that the potato has a few blemishes so some of my French fries have to be thrown away to follow the analogy...  and then I have to buy some extra fries from some other vendor to make up the gap!  Now I'm hungry. 

Like David Willson likes this
Harp August 16, 2019

Hi Community, none of these Scripts worked for me, I have tried all of them by pasting the Scripts in the "Comment" field's description in the Field Configuration. 

Are scripts disabled in JIRA 7.2 Service Desk or is there a different place I should paste script ? Please share your experience, if it is possible to change the default order of the "Respond to Customer" tab to "Internal Comment" ?

0 votes
Paul Stallworth
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September 18, 2015

The issue listed above is not actually for what the question addresses.  The correct issue to vote on is here:

0 votes
Norman Abramovitz
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October 20, 2014

Setting a default value is still an outstanding issue for JIRA.

There are two possible solutions though.   The first is paid plugin.

The second is doing some creative javascript code.

Ryan Hoke
January 29, 2015

Norman, sorry it took so long to get back to you. This doesn't work for me, because the issue is with Service Desk and the whole "Respond to Customet" vs. "Internal Comment" tabs. There is no comment level select to grab.

Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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January 29, 2015

The tabs corresponds to the security level, so you can add some javascript to make sure that the internal tablis either first so it selected by default or force the internal comment tab to be highlighted when the comment button is clicked.

Rob Geraedts June 10, 2016

I guess this is no sultion for JIRA Cloud?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 21, 2016

Note, the document:, which is linked above, is no longer available. The JavaScript described in the document is not supported by Atlassian, and the JavaScript no longer works with JIRA 4.2+ anyway.

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