Customer notification email wasn't updated as per the new content

Esraa Ahmed August 14, 2017


I've updated the content of the rule 'Request Created' under customer notification page and then tried to send an email to my service desk but the old content still shown under the recieved confirmation

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 14, 2017

@Esraa Ahmed,

that is certainly odd and have never experienced that. Server or Cloud? Just thinking thru obvious here...Did you save it? if you go back into the screen to edit are your changes there? When you say you "tried to send an email" was that done thru creating a new issue?

Esraa Ahmed August 14, 2017

Thanks Jack for your reply, Yeah I clicked save and the changes there, I created new issue by sending an email to our support mailbox, ticket was created and I received the old notification.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 14, 2017

odd. seems like a caching issue but no idea if that is the case. if on Server you may wish to restart.

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