I 'm rolling out service desk to my customers at the moment. One question on the customer portal : if a customer drags and drops an attachment into comment box, it automatically adds (sends comment) . If customer wants to add multiple attachments, and does it serially, it creates a comment for each attachment - unless drop all in at once.
So , if customer grabs a schematic for example, and puts into comment box, the system does not wait for user to add any text.
Anyone else see this issue ? I would expect that if you drag & drop an attachment, you still have to hit the "add" button to effectively submit the comment.
Thanks John
Thanks, it does look like this. the issue is that as soon as you drag and drop, it instantly sends - I'd like the user to be able to add some comment and then press 'Add'...
BR jon
If you look at the screenshot, I can still add my comments in the comment box before clicking "add". Could you capture a short video clip?
here's the issue : as soon as I hit 'upload' to the attachment - a picture, it immediately posts the comment as soon as upload has finished : the add button is gone... seems to be automatic. Thanks John
That looks like you have a customized theme from a plugin, have you tried disabling the plugin and see if the problem still persists?