Customer Notifications Not Up To Date

Benjamin Carlfors August 23, 2017

We're just getting started with your servicedesk product, and it looks really promising. We are however, faced with one issue.

In the project settings under Customer Notifications, we've customized the default template, so that it looks like this: 

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 15.38.30.png

We have also changed the automatic reply for the default rules.
The 'Request created' for example, looks like this: 

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 15.39.05.png

I've tried sending myself a test email, and it sends the expected response: 

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 15.40.09.png


When you send an email to the project -, then you're sent the default template, and an outdated automatic response from the 'Request Created' rule. 

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 15.44.42.png

I've tried sending an email to this project from my personal email, from my work email and I've had 3 of my colleagues send an email. 

2 of my colleagues and I receive the outdated template + 'Request Created'.

My third colleague however, receives the custom template, but the "old" 'Request Created' response. Which is a step in the right direction, I suppose. Albeit a little confusing. 

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 15.41.17.png

I'm uncertain whether it lies on my end, and there's something I need to do/change.
Do you have any ideas what could be going on here?


2 answers

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Michelle Chin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 30, 2017

Hey Benjamin,


The modified template is for notifications in Danish, thus only users who are using Danish as their profile language will be receiving the notifications with the modified template. Please check and update the templates for other languages as well.




Benjamin Carlfors August 30, 2017

Oh, thanks. So simple!


It seems the user language is set to enlish(US) by default.

This means that even if your customers aren't US customers, their profile language will be set to english(US), which means that you may want to have your English(US) template in your own language regardless.

Thank you for superb service, Michelle. :-)

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 24, 2017

Hi Benjamin,

What are the roles of each of the users who submitted the requests?  When a customer submits a request, they receive our default email notifications as the issue reporter or participant.  When agents and admins work on an issue, they receive email notifications as part of the the project's JIRA notification scheme.

Take a look at the How different roles receive notifications section of the Managing Service Desk Notifications knowledge base for more info.



Benjamin Carlfors August 24, 2017
  • When a customer submits a request, they receive our default email notifications as the issue reporter or participant.

So essentially, it’s not possible to customize the template that is shown to unregistered customers?

Or am I misinterpreting the documentation? 

If that’s the case, am I able to change this?

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