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Chart gadget for reporting

mesons February 25, 2020


is there any other suitable chart gadget for reporting other than the gadget (created vs. resolved)?

At any rate, this gadget should also show a trend.

Thanks in advance!

2 answers

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mesons February 25, 2020


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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 25, 2020

You can turn the trend line for unresolved onto the CvR gadget. I find many of the gadgets useful personally. What is your goal?

mesons February 25, 2020

What do you mean by that?

"You can turn the trend line for unresolved onto the CvR gadget."

The gadget should ideally contain charts for created and closed together with trend line.

Goal is to create a report for customers.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 25, 2020

There is a check box for this. If ou want something more consider hooking in MS PowerBI or an addon.

mesons February 25, 2020

Ok, you mean one can turn on/off the trend line. I know about it.

I'm just alternatively looking for another chart gadget.

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