Can we add phone numbers to Service desk users?

Ali Azzam
December 15, 2017

Hi everyone

I was asked from one of our consultants, to investigate the option to have phone numbers on the users in service desk.

When we have a ticket and it`s send to the consultants team, sometimes they need to call the users.

So, instead of log on the CRM system and find the costumer and most likely find a old number - it will be great if there was a phone number to the user on the ticket.

It would be great if the option is change-able for the customers. Maybe the section where they can edit their profile? A field with option to add phone number?

I have attached a picture of where the the customer can add their number and attached a picture of where the number can be shown on the Service desk case.

User have opportunity to add phone number.png

Phone number opportunities.png
Best regards
Ali Azzam

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Jack Brickey
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December 15, 2017

You can add a custom field. Unfortunately there isn’t a means to do this within the profile which there certainly should be. There are also addons that can do this. Check the Market place for “user profiles”.

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