Hi team,
I'd like to create a custom issue type in Jira Product Discovery project, however, it seems couldn't been added. I reviewed the know limitations here, but didn't find any clarified answer to it.
Could you please help to share more information about this?
Thanks in advance!
We also use a custom field called "Type" and have set up automation to automatically prefix the idea summary with a character identifying the type. For example, an idea with type Metric automatically has a "^" as the first character in the summary. Makes it easy to see the type of idea in boards and when we search for them.
Thank you @Sam Hepworth to share this. But could you please share some screenshot or demo about it, so as to make me more easier to understand the flow.
We have the following idea types:
Idea - Represents an input. Much the same as an insight, but more flexible.
Theme - Used to group related ideas.
Story - A part of a feature. May get translated into serveral "tasks" in Jira Software. Is related to Ideas.
Feature - Something we build. Becomes an "epic" in Jira Software. Is related to Ideas and Stories.
Objective - Something we want to achieve with the stuff that we build. Is related to features.
Metric - Something we measure. Has a target and actual. Is related to objectives.
We use automation to add an "ídea type character" to the summary, so that it is easy to see the type.
We also use automation to update text fields with the names of related stuff. Makes it easier to see what is related to what in the roadmap.