We have recently installed JIRA product discovery tool on our cloud instance and have been exploring the concept of creating ideas and other rating features internally.
We would now like to open this to our customers to collect their paint points and product improvement ideas such that we can then collate all and then based on voting and rating from the customers, we can define our product roadmap.
The issue that I am facing here is that when I try to create a new view or list, it populates with the current internal ideas that we have already added for consideration. If I try to empty the new view/list it deletes the ideas completely.
So is there a way to create a blank list with no ideas in it, with the required columns that I can then share just with the required customers to share their ideas?
Also is there a way that I can share only that view with the customers without them seeing the other internal view or ideas that we have on the board.
Hi @Mart Postma
Thanks for your response. I will check the options regarding the custom field and status and see if they help. My next question here is that even if I create the filter in the view, the customers will still be able to see the other views as well as I couldn't find an option to share just that single view to collect ideas from them.
My aim is to use JPD to collect ideas and pain points from customers to be able to identify and prioritize the ones that would be most beneficial for our product as per market trends and product enhancement/improvement.
I also checked the shareholder early access program link and that is more to provide the shareholders with the view of your defined roadmap. This will be useful to me but in later stages. I am currently at the stage of gathering customer stuff to be added to our internal product roadmap before sharing the final version with the stakeholders.
I would propose a issue collector function similar to company-managed projects for product discovery.
As Joachim said - I believe the usual recommendation would be to use forms or issue collectors to collate these inputs. The JPD team talk through how they collect feedback here - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Product-Discovery-articles/How-does-the-Jira-Product-Discovery-team-work/ba-p/2314917
It depends a bit on your context and role here. If you're a team of product managers according to the textbook definition then I wouldn't really suggest that you let customers enter ideas directly especially if you're operating at any scale. The PM team owns the ideas backlog and should be controlling what goes in. You as a team could then review the feedback from your customers, set up interviews to dig deeper where required and then add (or not) to your JPD ideas backlog as ideas or insights.
If you're in more of an order taking setup then I'd imagine Jira Service Management might be better suited to your context however I'm sure you could still try using JPD if you really wanted to.
Good points! If an issue collector would exist the ideas submitted through it whould have to be flagged in some way so that it's possible to filter them out.
Thanks @Jonathan Blackburn
I will check the video and hope that it would help answer my questions.
As you mentioned I want to use JPD to collate customer feedback for ideas i.e. functions, features, capabilities that they would like to see in our product that would help in their business as well as current pain points that they would want our product to address. Not everything that the customers suggest will go into our product backlog.
We are conducting user forums with our customers and my objective was to use JPD as the tool to collect the above directly through a view which then we as the organisation would review and sort and prioritise the required ones in the product roadmap on a separate view.
@Ree Agarwal - so from what I've seen from JPD so what I wouldn't use it as a place to store all feedback but rather use the insights feature to tag the feedback/learnings/etc from whatever system they're captured in (Teams/Slack/Jira Service Mgmt/Confluence/wherever) to the ideas in JPD.
You could create Ideas and just add a custom type=customer-feedback if you wanted to store the backlog of feedback in JPD. The select ones could then be changed into type=feature idea.