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authenticate button and change de view of an insight

Ratiba Benzerouali
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February 12, 2024

Hello !

I am using Jira to manage insights.
When me and my collegue create a new insight ticket it doesn't appear the same way.
My collegue has the insight's details which is collected directly from Slack, while I only have a link with a button "Authenticate" and it does nothing when I click on it.

Here a screenshot :


So I would like to have the same thing as my collegue, a view on the description coming from slack and not a link with this authenticate button.

Can you tell me how to do that please ?

Thank you very much.



2 answers

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Hermance NDounga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 15, 2024

Hello Ratiba, 

Sorry for delayed response here. 

If both insights comes from the same slack app, there is surely an issue - could you please open a ticket via 


0 votes
Teal Nissley February 12, 2024

Interested in this conversation, as we have to click authenticate on every insight as well and it doesn't show the Pendo feedback details as intended. It just shows the link rather than pulling the votes and such.

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