Why can't I search for Delivery issues from certain projects?

Marc Gilbert October 11, 2023



I can search for a project just fine, but I can never get the issues that I need. Am I not allowed to search for issues from Team-managed projects? Do I need to be specifically invited to these projects or something?


I seem to be able to add company-managed issues just fine.


Any ideas?



EDIT: After some testing, I can actually find some Team-managed project issues, but only some.

2 answers

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Dave Mathijs
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October 11, 2023

Hi @Marc Gilbert welcome to the Atlassian Community!

This may indeed be permission related.

Tip: Don't use team-managed projects, it'll will always lead to limitations in the end when sharing or reporting on information across projects.

Marc Gilbert October 11, 2023

Hey @Dave Mathijs

Thanks for the reply :) Yeah seems to be the case! I think we're slowly moving to company-managed for everything thankfully, so should be a bit better.


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Dave Mathijs
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October 11, 2023

@Marc Gilbert Thanks to click the green "Accept answer" button if it helped you answer your question.

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Marc Gilbert October 11, 2023

Ah ha! I think I know why: I do not have the ability to create issues within those specific projects. If someone can confirm this is the case, that would be helpful :)

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