Project Access: the added contacts with their corresponding roles has been vanished

Adriana Domínguez Eguiarte
December 18, 2023

Hi there! I was wondering if any of you has experienced this problem today.

We have a lot of projects in Jira Product Discovery and for its of them we had assigned the corresponding 'administrator', 'creator' and 'collaborator roles'.

Well I have noticed that now, the information has been vanished and this is what we see in all the projects...


Is it an incidence?

Thank you for your help!

2 answers

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Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 18, 2023

@Adriana Domínguez Eguiarte @Ted we have a bug with our platform system which holds users and their access permissions. You can follow this page for incident updates.

Adriana Domínguez Eguiarte
December 18, 2023

Thank you, I've seen it's fixed! I got the notification @Ted mentioned later!

0 votes
December 18, 2023

I have the same - but I have also been getting notifications that JPD is experiencing technical issues so I'm guessing it is related :) 

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