Is there a way to display Jira Product Discovery in Confluence? **Update - Resolved**

Wendy Grapentine
September 9, 2024


I am using Jira Product Discovery to organize and display where each of my customer's are at with the implementation of a new feature/product. 

Each customer is an Jira Product Discovery Issue.
Columns are:  Initial Call, SOW sent, SOW received, Amendment sent, Amendment received, Environments Set Up, Feature Implementation, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance. 
Then I have Categories set up as Phases:  Request Phase, Initial Call Phase, SOW and Amendment Phase, Environment Phase, Implementation Phase, Testing Phase etc.   (I know it is redundant to the columns, I am just trying to organize a bit differently for easy visuals)

I am using Jira Product Discovery because it has the ability to move around rows easily to show priority etc. 

We have set up a Confluence Space just for this project as a "one stop" place for all information on this project.  I would like to display the Jira Product Discovery page inside of a Confluence Page so that everyone will be able to see where everything is at quickly. 

Is this possible?  How would I go about doing that?

2 answers

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 9, 2024

Hi @Wendy Grapentine ,

JPD and Confluence don't necessarily have a prebuilt integration, but we see some customers pasting a view's link into a Confluence page to populate a preview!

For more on this in general: Improvements to Atlassian links

Changes cannot be made in Confluence to reflect back in JPD, but any changes completed to the view within JPD should reflect in Confluence:


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Amanda Barber
Community Leader
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September 9, 2024

If you drop the link for your view into Confluence, the view will be displayed. I recorded a quick Loom to show it here:


Wendy Grapentine
September 10, 2024

Thank you

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