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Is it possible to integrate Jira Data Center with Jira Product Discovery Cloud?

Domagoj Mihaljevic
I'm New Here
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June 4, 2024

We are using Jira Data Center solution with approx. 1000 users and we would like to start using Jira Product Discovery. 

Would it be possible to integrate those tools? Migration to Jira Cloud solution is not an option at this point of time. 

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Amina Bouabdallah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 6, 2024

Hi there! this is in our roadmap to evaluate and schedule. For now, no concrete plans. Any chance you might share a bit what motivates you to use JPD and what prevents the move to cloud, to help us prioritize? if you prefer to speak directly, we would love to hear your feedback from the "Give feedback" button in the product!



Amina, JPD Product Mgmt team

Domagoj Mihaljevic
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 6, 2024

Amina, thank you for your reply!

I cannot give you an exact answer to your question why DC and not Cloud. This was decided some time ago, and my colleagues claim there has been a strong reason to do it that way and that has not changed until present day. I will explore more to find the exact reasons, but regardless, you can understand how large enterprises are hard to shift, so migrating everything to cloud now would be a major blocker (not only business-wise, but budget-wise, correct me if I am wrong). 

About your other question, what was my motivation to start using Jira Product Discovery - we as a company are heavily focused on minimizing the number of tools we internally use, and since Jira is our main go-to tool (we are a development company), JPD seemed like a logical choice because it supports all the features I need as a Product Owner/Manager.  

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