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Free Viewer License using Atlassian Access

Mirko Grahnert March 9, 2023

Hey there, 

We're currently in the process of comparing Jira Product Discovery against other Product Management solutions on the market and would need to understand whether JPD would allow us to provide free view-only access to roadmaps for our organization. Not everyone in the business has access to the Atlassian suite, but we noticed that your online documentation states that users would not require a license, only an Atlassian account, in order to view Jira Product Discovery. We would appreciate your guidance on how we could use Atlassian Access to create free Atlassian accounts for internal users.

2 answers

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Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2023

@Mirko Grahnert @Phil Middlemass 

We will be creating the ability for Jira Product Discovery users (creators) to share views with people with an Atlassian Account. The viewer will not need a paid account, they can sign up for an Atlassian account on their own, think of it as a security authentication layer rather than a paygate.
Regarding Atlassian Access it is not necessary in order to add users under your domain to a site. You can, for example, allow access to a site for users under your domain using the approved domain method.

We'll provide more info when we roll out this share feature, we're still in the build phase and working out the details.

Mirko Grahnert March 9, 2023

Thanks @Rohan Swami - this is super helpful, thanks for sharing!

Just to clarify: 

  • The ability to share views with people with an Atlassian Account is still in development and not yet available, is that correct? If so, do you know when we could expect this feature to be rolled out? 
  • Using Atlassian Access for automated user provisioning (and decommissioning) is a hard requirement for us. My assumption is that we would be able to create a free account for employees through Atlassian Access - without having to give them a paid license to any other products in the suite? 
  • Do you know if JPD will allow creators to share views with user groups, rather than individual users? 
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Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 10, 2023
  1. Yes it's in development. I can't offer a date at this point as there are a lot of tricky engineering challenges we're working through. We're making good progress though, so the best I can say is soon!
  2. Yes that's correct - you'll be able to do that.
  3. Not certain about this at the moment, we'll be able to provide these details once we release.
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Sarah Green March 13, 2023

@Rohan Swami clarifying -- view-only access is being developed for users WITH an Atlassian account?

What about for users WITHOUT an Atlassian account??

Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2023

Hi @Sarah Green viewers will need an Atlassian account, anyone can create an account for free. This account doesn't need to managed by your company or have a paid seat for any other product.

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Phil Middlemass March 9, 2023

I'd like to understand this more too.

I've used ProdPad which has functionality when publishing view only roadmaps to do so publicly (i.e. without any requirement for an account of any sort to view or having to manage user/stakeholder accesses).

This option to have publicly published/accessible roadmaps and other views without an account would be very beneficial, even if not the default configuration (account required by default) but user/owner enabled to make the published view public and open only to those who know the URL to access (which could be made hard to figure out through URL obscurity using a GUID unique to each view)

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