Epics in Jira Product Discovery

Deleted user August 6, 2024

Hi there, how do you handle the challenge that in Jira Product Discovery you cannot differentiate between Epics and tasks/subtasks, but only create either epics or tasks when you "transfer" an item from Jira Product Discovery to standard Jira

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 6, 2024

Hi @[deleted] ,

I believe when a JPD idea creates a Jira delivery, you can select any of the available of issue types under the Jira project selected (Epic, Task, Bug, etc.).

But I don't believe it's possible to create a subtask or child issue from a JPD idea since these are managed through the issue after the Jira issue is created.

Not sure if that helps so if you can clarify the issue a bit more, or how you are hoping to handle the challenge, it might help with providing additional information.

Deleted user August 7, 2024

Hi Nick, yes, this helps a lot, thanks for clarifying

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August 6, 2024

I think what you are asking here I went through the same level of thinking. There has been some discussion on here around a Hierarchy in JPD to help you to manage different size Ideas but for now at least I have just rationalised this by using description and Labels for the different sized ideas. 

For example if I have a large Initiative (or Epic) Idea I will label it with "Epic" and put [Epic] in the Idea summary for visual scanning purposes. WHen it comes time to transfer this to Jira I simply create the multiple features associated with the Idea for Release 1 (or MVP) so that from with JPD I can then see the several features that make up that epic.

Where required I then create any other features not part of MVP associated with that Epic as a new Idea in JPD and tag them as "Feature" with [Feature] in the Idea summary. And that feature goes through Discovery at the feature level. 

Its not pretty but it works for now until the team figure out a clear way to do a hierarchy. 

Deleted user August 7, 2024

Awesome, we will try to do the same, sounds like a pragmatic workaround. thank you!

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