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Can I add more than one grouping in JPD?

Carlos Garcia Navarro
Community Leader
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January 15, 2024

Hi there,

Is it possible to add more than one grouping option in JPD? I see that I can select a field to group my ideas, but my use case would need more than just one grouping. Thanks!

2 answers

1 vote
Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 15, 2024

Hi @Carlos Garcia Navarro ,

It's only possible to group ideas by one field per view at this time. I believe this is by design with the logic being - if it were possible to group by more than one field, there could be contradiction of ideas grouped, or overlap. 

Can you explain the use case a bit more? My guess is you might be hoping to group when ideas have Field A AND Field B, or something like that - is the correct?

If that's the case, the workaround might be creating a custom filter using JQL and saving that for better visibility into your ideas. I also understand this is probably not ideal since the filter would not live within the JPD project.

0 votes
Rebecca Graf August 19, 2024

Hi @Nick H , although the post is already older I'd like to share a usecase:

We use JPD to create a roadmap on initiative level across teams by using a timeline view grouped by "team". Usually, more than one team needs to contribute to an initiative so the initiative shows up in all matching swimlanes.

We'd now like to differentiate between "driving team" (=mainly responsible for making it happen) and "supporting team" (=required for getting it done, but rather with side tasks). The idea is to have your most important topics on top of your swimlane, following by those you need to support. 

We definitely want to keep on timeline across all teams and not switch between views.

Any idea on how to solve that without being able to group with more than one field?

Best, Rebecca


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