Unique Jira server ID for microsoft Teams

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March 26, 2020



I'm configuring a new team of 8 on Microsoft Teams and I want to integrate Jira server app on Microsoft Teams. Each time i try to connect, I'm being prompted for a server ID which I'm unable to find.

Can you help? where can i find the server ID to upload onto Mircosoft Teams?



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Dario B
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 27, 2020

Hello @Eniola_Oladipo ,

There are chances that with server-id they mean the URL to access your Jira site, but not knowing what you are using for the integration and which steps you are following I cannot be sure.

So, in order to be able to help, we will need a bit more information. Specifically:

  1. I can see you have access to a free Jira Cloud instance, but you say this is for Jira Server. Can you kindly confirm whether you use Jira Server or Cloud?
  2. Are you using any markeplace app for this integration or anything else?
  3. Please point us to the documentation you are following and point to the step 



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