Insights Question

Andy Rosengard
May 31, 2024

Good morning.  I am getting a message that "something is blocking my Insights. It might be because this board isn’t associated with a specific project, or that your permissions don't cover this level of detail."

On each individual board I can run insights as well as a sprint report, but on the aggregate board. it is failing with the above message. 

Any assistance is appreciated. 



2 answers

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11 votes
Vasyl Krokha _Broken Build_
Atlassian Partner
May 31, 2024

Hi, @Andy Rosengard !

We have a board that aggregates from several projects and Jira shows insights:


So, it could be some internal problem with Atlassian, so it would help to create a ticket in Atlassian support.

By the way, the Agile Reports and Gadgets app (which you can try for free) works with all types of setups - you can add several boards on one chart to have cross-team (cross-projects) insights:


I hope you find my answer helpful!


1 vote
May 31, 2024

Hi Andy,

I just tried creating an aggregate board with couple of my projects. Both are company-managed and my role has full access rights for both the projects and there are no access restrictions in place.

In such scenario, Insights are getting generated properly.

For your question, add some more details

1. Type of projects (Company managed/team managed) used in the aggregate board

2. Access restrictions in place for the project & cross-verify with your role 

Any screenshots if possible


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