What is the best way to change things like Issue Types without breaking dashboards and workflows?

Deleted user March 16, 2020

Dear JIRA users/ JIRA experts,


My name is Mick Hendriks. At this moment I am an intern at an software development company. We are a company with around 50 employees and are rather young.

My thesis is about the way our company makes changes in JIRA. At this moment we do not know what the impact of a change like changing an Issue Type will be. For example a week ago we made change to a "Status", we changed the name to another one because that one makes more sense now. The impact this change had was that some tickets did not get send to the right person which causes us to "lose" the tickets until a client contacts us again. 

In this case the workflows did not connect properly because in the post functions of transition arrows the Status names were not changed. This is one example of things that can be affected negatively by a change we make. Other negative effects are dashboards that do not show anything anymore and SLA's that start showing weird numbers. 

Our workflows are created a long time ago. The workflows have change a lot since then. Changes were made whenever a problem presented itself. The workflows are heavily specialized with there being things like 9 post functions in a single transition arrow in a workflow. In all these post functions there are automated transitions which all have to changed if we make a change. Right now there is only one person in the company that can kind of make an estimate of what impact a change will have but this is not enough because often things still are affected negatively. 

As a part of my research I am looking at other companies experiences with workflows and the way they are making changes to their workflows. So I would really like to know your experiences with JIRA workflows and the way you make changes to it without negatively impacting other parts of JIRA or other workflows. How did you design your JIRA workflows? How do you make changes to your workflows? Do you also have the problem of things being affected negatively after a change? What actions do you take to make sure nothing is affected negatively after making a change?Are there best practices for designing JIRA workflows? Are there best practices for making changes in JIRA workflows?

I would really appreciate if some of you guys can answer some of my questions. 

Thanks in advance.


Kind regards,


Mick Hendriks




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