Lost sub-task after moving an issue to be an Epic

José Carlos De Oliveira Escalona
April 22, 2024

Hello, similar to this post: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Cloud-Admins-discussions/Moved-Story-to-Epic-and-Lost-Child-Issues/td-p/1974347 I moved a User Story with sub-tasks to be an Epic and I lost the relationship between them.

Now I cannot find the sub-tasks anywhere.... I tried searching for sub-tasks without parent, sub-tasks with the moved issue as a Parent, but they seem to be vanished for the system, ? 

Another similar post: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-questions/Lost-child-issues-when-moving-from-Task-to-Epic/qaq-p/1567760

How can I locate this sub-tasks now?

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Trudy Claspill
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April 22, 2024

Hello @José Carlos De Oliveira Escalona 

Go to the View All Issues screen and enter a query similar to this:

project = <your project>  and issuetype is subtaskIssueTypes() order by parent desc

That will give you a list of all the subtasks in your project. For the ones that belonged to a User Story that has been converted/moved to an Epic, the Parent field will show no data, and those one will be listed first in the results. If you change the output display to List View and add the Parent field, this will be obvious.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 10.57.54 AM.png

You can then open each subtask and select either Add a parent to make it a child of another issue, or Move to convert it to a non-subtask type of issue.

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