In the Marketplace we are only able to view Pricing details on Monthly basis.
Let's say if the addon costs 200$ per month for hundred users which means 2$/user per month.
If we wanna see the pricing for Year, Is it 200$ * 12 for 100 users or will there be any discount applied when we purchase the app Annually ?
Please help with the Info, we didn't found the way to see the Pricing on annual basis in the marketplace.
NOTE: We are planning to move to cloud and we don't have any Cloud Dev Environment so finding it difficult to get the pricing details. Once we take the free plan after 1 month we have to pay right.. So we were searching all information before we jump into Cloud.
@Madhu Reddy Have you tried the Cloud Calculator?
@Laura Campbell _Seibert Group_ Thanks a lot for letting me know about the Cloud Calculator. Helps a lot
@Dirk Ronsmans Apps price is not 12 times, but it is 10 times the monthly price.
thank you
Just keep in mind pricing calculator doesn't include tax, but its great to get the general estimation especially if you are looking at apps too
@Madhu Reddy Great!
i couldn't find that info on the marketplace itself so I wrongly assumed it was only for the server apps. Good to know!
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