What's the difference between Committed Story Points and Planned Story Points?

Emma Willcox May 23, 2023

In Jira Align, I can see Committed and Accepted Story Points on the M1 Report and Planned and Accepted on the Teams View (Team > Manage Teams > Select Team > Sprints).

The Committed and Planned Story Points for my teams in Jira Align are almost always different.

What's the difference between Committed and Planned Story Points please? When is each value determined?

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2023

Points Committed only counts the LOE/Story Points on those Stories that were assigned to the Sprint before the Sprint Start Date.  Points Accepted includes the LOE of all Stories accepted regardless of if they were assigned to the Sprint before the start date or after.

Jennelle Stearns
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2023

In addition to what @Allan Maxwell already defined above, planned story points are typically the stories assigned in the sprint currently.  However, I always recommend selecting help on the specific report/page you are reviewing to see how the field and calculations are defined and calculated. 

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Emma Willcox May 26, 2023

Thanks both - this has been bugging me for ages! Great to get a really clear, specific answer.

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Stephanie Davis
July 10, 2023

How does the integration with Jira Software play into this.  Is it the anchor sprint start date that's used for committed or the sprint start date coming from Jira Software through the sync?

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