Kanban Board on project roles are not saving in JIRA Align while selecting Roles

Isha Grover April 28, 2020

Working as Admin in JIRA Align on choosing Project Role as Scrum Master then choosing Product from drop down list ,  under this options for Kanban Board are not getting saved .

When i try to disable options for Kanban Board on saving them i again try to see they are enable . Please see image :


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Tom O'Connor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 11, 2020

Isha - can you please add the image or more details to your issue and where you are accessing this from?  I'm not totally following where you are at.

Also, is Product turned on for the portfolio/program you are working in?

Isha Grover May 11, 2020

Please close the task.

Issue is resolved.

Thanks for helping us.

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