Jira Align licensed users

December 15, 2021

Hi Community,

In Jira align we have integrated users (one standard or full license we get four integrated users).

What are comes under integrated users (Ex: Team leads or Team members)

Can anyone one help me with this? 

Thanks in advance!!!



1 answer

2 votes
Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 15, 2021

Integrated users are normally non-team lead roles on an agile team such as developer, QA, UX, etc. POs and SMs are considered licensed users. As far as the specific System Role that is assigned to integrated users in Jira Align, that can vary. It is determined by what is selected as the System Role on the Jira Setup tab in the connector.

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Most common System Roles used are Default, Integrated User or Team Member. Regardless which System Role is used, the permissions should be set accordingly where an integrated user has limited access in Jira Align. They will have access to most options at the Team level but only the Program Board and Features at the Program level. They will not have access to anything above the Program level. Any additional access granted would qualify them as a managed user.

December 16, 2021

@Rae Gibbs Thank you for taking your time writing to me!!!

I have got clarity now!!! Do we have any links or docs which can tell us more about the difference between integrated and licensed users!!! Thanks!!

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