Jira Align DB tables and joins

Aniket Mallick
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June 14, 2022

I have imported Jira Align data to a visualization tool (ThoughtSpot) but I am having a hard time connecting the tables and having correct joins due to which I am facing duplication of data.

I need help knowing how the tables are connected to each other and using which joins.image.png

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Sam Tsubota
Atlassian Team
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June 14, 2022

@Aniket Mallick On the Jira Align Knowledge Base you can download the Enterprise Insights data schema document. You will need to create a login through the Sign In button. The schema document has a tab called FK Mapping which provides the Foreign Key mapping relationships. If you are seeing duplicates it could be that there is a circular relationship in your mapping. An example of this is if you join the Feature table on the Program Increment table and then join the Feature table with the Story table. Then join the Story table to the Program Increment table. Some data visualization software will display a relationship be a circular relationship has been established through the Program Increment table. I know that Power BI doesn't handle these types of circular relationships and Tableau seems to handle them a little better. You may need to write custom SQL in Thoughtspot to prevent these types of circular relationships.

Aniket Mallick
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 15, 2022

@Sam Tsubota Thank you for your reply, however ThoughtSpot does not allow the user to write it's own SQL query, it has it's own logic which joins tables and decides which path to take when executing a query

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