How can I extract fixed date milestone data from Portfolio Epics (Initiatives)?

Paula Hidalgo
May 8, 2023

The Align export of Epics does not contain the fixed date milestones.  I need to move greater than 100 Epics each with multiple fixed date milestones.  I need the fixed date milestone data to recreate the new Epics.

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 9, 2023

The only way that I know to do this is:

1) Get a list of all the candidate Epics.  In this example, I get only the Epics in a specified Primary Program: 

{{base_JA_url}}/Epics?$select=id,title&$filter= primaryProgramId EQ {{ProgramID}} &orderby=id DESC &$top=100&$skip={{mySkip}}


2) Pull each Epics' Audit log



3) Parse the Audit log for the milestone you are looking for.  Make sure you detect if the milestone was removed.

Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 11, 2023

BTW, the Audit log entries are HTML and not JSON, so I had to do something like this to strip out all the HTML: 


let logEntry = jsonData[i].details.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '');
Paula Hidalgo
May 17, 2023

@Allan Maxwell - Thank you for the extra help!

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Jean Henson
May 9, 2023

Hi @Paula Hidalgo ,

If you want to move the Epics from one PI to another, there is an easier way to accomplish your goal.

Jira Align has the ability to Mass Move Jira Epics (Features) within a specific Program Increment to a different Program Increment.  When in the Epic List View, the More Actions button may have a Mass Move option (available to Admins only).  If so, you can use this functionality to move your Epics to the new PI. 

Hope this helps!

Jean Henson

Director, Business Agility @ Aligned Agility, an Adaptavist Group company 

Paula Hidalgo
May 10, 2023

@Jean Henson - Good to know.  What I really want to do is to move Epics to the Solution layer as Capabilities.  I can export the Epics and then re-import them as Capabilities.  The fixed date milestones do not export as part of the Epic data.

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