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Epic History table not retrieving exact number of expected results in comparison to Epic table

Rizwan Ahmed Khan September 19, 2024

I am using atlassian analytics to create dashboard for a list of Epic based on the program increment they are part of. I am also filtering by applying WHERE clause to get specific amount of results. 


But no matter how much I try, the results that I want should be 22 but getting only 18 out of those. 

I am using below query :- 

SELECT [Epic].[Epic State] AS [Epic State], [Epic History].[Tags] AS [Tags], COUNT(DISTINCT [Epic].[Epic ID]) AS [Count of unique Epic ID] FROM [current_dw].[Epic] AS [Epic] LEFT OUTER JOIN [current_dw].[Epic History] AS [Epic History] ON [Epic History].[FK Epic ID] = [Epic].[Epic ID] WHERE [Epic History].[Tags] IN ('Block Funded 2024') AND ([Epic].[FK Portfolio ID] = '5') GROUP BY [Epic].[Epic State], [Epic History].[Tags] ORDER BY [Epic State] ASC, [Tags] ASC;

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