Can we integrate scrum teams to a kanban board?

HimanshU PrasaD March 14, 2022

Can we create such a Kanban board where different teams can collaborate, and if we could identify the capacity of teams and efforts by them in a consolidated view ?


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Ste Wright
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March 20, 2022

Hi @HimanshU PrasaD 

Are you asking to have...

  • A board per team and then...
  • A board with all the teams' work on it?

The answer is sure, you can create additional boards via...

  • Server/DC: Boards > View All Boards > Create Board
  • Cloud: Search Bar (top-right) > Boards > Create Board

I'd be cautious though - boards are just filters, and editing/transitioning an issue on one board will impact all the others. Having multiple with the same information can sometimes cause confusion.

I'd also question the benefit of doing this - if each team is different, with different skills, capacity, etc - should they not be managed separately also?


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