Hey folks! My name is Andrew and I’m a PM on the Jira Align team. I have two exciting updates to share:
We’ve added the Atlassian editor to feature descriptions. Take advantage of advanced formatting capabilities like tables, code blocks, info panels, and more.
Rich text now syncs between Jira and Jira Align for feature descriptions. Formatting that you enter in one tool will show up seamlessly in the other tool. Go ahead and make edits, like adding a table column or bolding a word. All those changes will sync back-and-forth between tools, so that all your stakeholders can stay on the same page.
With version 11.5.X, we’ve resolved one of Jira Align’s biggest pain points. It’s been one of our oldest and most highly upvoted JAC suggestions. This change will go into effect automatically for Jira Align instances connected to Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center.
You’ll no longer have to pivot back and forth from Jira Align to Jira, trying to decipher the context of a piece of work. Get all the information you need, wherever you need it. Use the new Atlassian editor to capture all of the nuance, complexity, and structure of the projects you’re delivering, so that nothing gets lost in translation.
Does this editing experience feel familiar? That’s because it’s the same editor you know and love from our other Atlassian products, like Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud. We’re bringing Jira Align one step closer to the Atlassian platform.
Note that not all formatting types will render the same in Jira Align. Smartlinks, images and other attachments, user mentions, emojis, status lozenges, expands, and dates will have a different appearance in Jira Align.
For more information about how administrators can change this setting, check out our release notes and our help documentation!
We'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you think of these new capabilities and where else in the product you’d like to have the Atlassian Editor.
Andrew Zhang